
Friday, December 6, 2013

Finding a Planning (or any) Job

I was recently emailed this question, "I read that you gave a presentation on job searching for young planners . . . we'd appreciate any guidance you could provide.  Do you have a paper, powerpoint, or some other presentation that I could pass around?"

Finding a job in any profession takes planning. Here is a summary of my response, including some quick advice, three videos, two slide shows, and two articles.

Quick advice for job searching and networking:
  1. Visit your career center and the website. This is a free resource to help with strategy, resumes, and even mock-interviews.
  2. Decide what job(s) you want, specifically, and write it down in one title and one sentence.
  3. Get your resume(s) polished.
  4. Reconnect or make new connections with recent graduates, professors, people you met at conferences.
  5. Work on a 30 second pitch, both verbally and in writing.
  6. Develop your "marketing materials" following a theme to "brand" yourself, including a decent photo.
  7. Marketing materials should include resume, social media profiles (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, blog, website, portfolio), and yes, an actual business card (available for free/cheap).
  8. Set a time goal, and then locate some volunteer or intern opportunities or create one!
  9. Go to a national profession conference and other local conferences and meetings (e.g., APA in April, APA-Virginia, GUAPA, UAPSA. A good investment - students can go free/cheap/as volunteers.
  10. Network, meet people, reach out, talk more, be nice. You never know who will lead you to what and who you might run into again.
Three video resources with tips on resumes, job search, networking, and conference:

Two PowerPoint files on conferences, pitches, & networking:


  1. Attending Conferences: Pitches & Networking (on slideshare)
  2. Networking: Before & After (on slideshare)
 Two Job-Finding articles:
  1. Writing a Resume That Works - on the APA site or as a PDF on Google Docs
  2. Networking for Job Opportunities - on the APA site or as a PDF on Google Docs
And join APA (or another appropriate professional society/group) and visit the Student Section - see the "Landing A Planning Job" section for more tips and resources!

Good luck!

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