I met with our new BT Director Tom Fox 2 pm Monday, 11/23/15. Amongst various topics we discussed the BT system map, shelters and cans, Title VI, the Route Analysis and pending TDP, & the process of recieving, publishing, documenting public feedback on proposed route changes. He also aporoved and signed quotes for 12 Victor Stanley trash receptacles
& 5 bike racks I am going to summarize Title VI docs/policies and the route change/feedback process for him.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Director Meeting
New 2015 BT system maps
A. Drain developed 2 versions so far of 2015 BT system maps based on 10/21/15 data. The simple map shows stops and routes. The super map also includes stop numbers and both BT and private bus shelters, & closed stops. Other versions can be created to show shelter #, evening/weekend/break service, and Christiansburg service. An FY17 map of proposed changes is in the works next.
First & Main cement pad, bus shelter, & can
A pad, bus shelter, & trash can should be put up soon. Onsite visits 11/20/15 determined location s. of new sidewalk and steps about 90 ft from current bus stop location (which is centered in front of pond).
Monday, October 19, 2015
New bus shelter to be inspected today
After several years of requests, resources have been aligned to have a new solar bus shelter installed at Prices Fork/Old Glade Rd near Hardees. This will greatly help customers going westbound after shopping, classes, or work.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
NRV Transit GIS portal - communication lessons
At the GIS in Transit conference I was part of a 3-presentation group discussing collaboration and partnering to do good GIS/GTFS work. Reps from USGS and RTAP shared tips too on 9/3/15. See https://2015gisintransitconference.sched.org/mobile/#session:0b152390aec7456d9d80c919603042a2